
Central Michigan 2-1-1 program

c/o LifeWays

1200 N West Avenue

Jackson, MI 49202

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Click here to chat with a 2-1-1 staff person Mon-Fri 7am-5pm!

What if I have problems dialing 2-1-1?

Callers from businesses, whose phone systems have enabled N11 dialing, should have no problem reaching 211. Landlines should also have great success reaching 2-1-1 when they dial 2-1-1. If you experience difficulty when you dial 2-1-1, please dial our toll-free number 866-561-2500. You can also reach out to your phone company and ask them to enable 2-1-1 dialing.

Most systems will allow dialing access to 9-1-1, but modifications may be required to permit 2-1-1 calling. Typically, your telecommunications staff or a service provider can make this simple adjustment. In some cases, the issue can be resolved by dialing 9 or another access code needed to get an outside line, before dialing 2-1-1. And, unlike access to 4-1-1 calls, there is no surcharge to your organization for the use of 2-1-1.